Creative Expression

Recorded Prayers

Recorded Prayers for Creative Expression

Written Prayers

Written Prayers for Creative Expression

Prayer for Creativity

Joe Soler, RScP

Step 1: Recognition I recognize that there is one creative power in the universe, and that power is present within me. This power is the source of all creativity, and it expresses itself through me in countless ways. I know that creativity is a natural and essential aspect of my being, and I open myself up to it now.

Step 2: Unification I unify my consciousness with the creative power within me. I let go of any doubts or fears that may be blocking my creativity, and I trust that the power within me is greater than any obstacles or limitations. I allow myself to be fully present in the present moment, and I am receptive to the creative ideas and inspirations that are available to me now.

Step 3: Realization I realize that creativity is not limited to any particular form or expression. It can take many shapes and sizes, from music and art to science and technology. I affirm that I am a channel for divine creativity, and I am open to expressing it in whatever form it may take. I trust that the ideas and inspirations that come to me are exactly what I need to bring my creative vision to life.

Step 4: Thanksgiving I am grateful for the creative power within me and for the abundance of ideas and inspirations that are available to me. I give thanks for the many ways in which creativity enhances my life and the lives of others. I am grateful for the opportunities to share my creativity with the world, and I know that my creations will bring joy, beauty, and inspiration to those who experience them.

Step 5: Release I release this treatment into the creative power of the universe, knowing that it is already done. I trust that the creative ideas and inspirations that have been planted within me will grow and flourish, and that I will bring my unique gifts and talents to the world in a powerful and meaningful way. I am at peace, knowing that my creativity is a natural and essential expression of my divine nature, and that it will continue to guide and inspire me in all areas of my life. And so it is.

Oracion Affirmativa sobre la creatividad

Joe Soler, RScP

Paso 1: Reconocimiento Sé que hay una sola fuente creativa en el universo, una presencia divina que fluye a través de todo lo que existe. Esta fuente creativa es infinita y omnipotente, y yo estoy conectado a ella en todo momento.

Paso 2: Unificación Reconozco que mi mente y mi ser están unidos con la mente y el ser de la fuente creativa. Me abro a la inspiración divina y permito que fluya a través de mí, infundiendo mi mente y mi corazón con nuevas ideas y perspectivas.

Paso 3: Declaración Declaro que soy un canal abierto para la creatividad divina. Estoy siempre rodeado de infinitas posibilidades y oportunidades creativas, y estoy siempre en el lugar correcto y en el momento perfecto para manifestar mis sueños y deseos.

Paso 4: Gratitud Agradezco la fuente creativa por sus infinitas bendiciones y por la inspiración divina que fluye a través de mí. Estoy agradecido por todas las oportunidades creativas que se presentan en mi vida y por la habilidad de manifestar mis sueños y deseos.

Paso 5: Liberación Suelto mi intención en la fuente creativa, confiando en que se manifestará de acuerdo con el plan divino. Me abro a las oportunidades creativas que se presentan en mi vida, y me permito experimentar la alegría y el placer de crear algo nuevo y único. Estoy en paz, sabiendo que mi creatividad es guiada por la sabiduría divina y la inteligencia infinita del universo.

Que así sea.