Dr. Liza Swedarsky RScP

Liza Swedarsky MD, RScP is a lifelong spiritual seeker, metaphysician, writer, workshop facilitator and Mother.  She attests her spiritual practice is foundational to her assignment as a medical doctor.  She currently practices as an Associate Gynecologist and Minimally Invasive Surgeon in the Division of Urban Health in Boston and is also a clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School.  She has dedicated her career to eliminating gynecologic and surgical option disparities for women of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds by focusing her practice in seven of Boston’s Community Health Centers since 2006 providing consultation services, office procedures, laparoscopic and robotic surgical expertise, and patient centered counseling. 

Her philosophy and true passion are to care for the whole woman: mind, body and spirit.  She facilitates weekly workshops inspired by universal and spiritual truths and presents activities to heighten consciousness and inspire individual behavioral changes to optimize health.  She is the founder and CEO of Health Vows where she created and facilitates the Health Vows Program which empowers women to honor seven health vows promoting vital, conscious living.   The series offers a safe space for women to share their stories- as healing is revealed in how we process and approach everyday life. Dr. Liza’s series also encourages women to unpack their fears and traumatic experiences navigating complex health care systems and interactions with healthcare providers. Her workshops aim to eliminate health disparities and inequities by offering self-empowerment, self-advocacy, and educational tools to heighten health literacy and confidence.

Dr. Liza encourages women to harness their internal power to manifest their highest vision of perfect health.  Her workshop series has been implemented in person and regularly on zoom capturing audiences across the United States. Currently the Health Vows Program is being studied highlighting its benefits in helping women navigate the social determinants of health:  Economic Stability, Education Access and Quality, Health Care Access and Quality, Neighborhood and Built Environment, Social and Community Context.

Dr. Liza believes true transformation, self-care, change, and decisions to live healthily begin in the mind.  She currently resides in Boston with her teenage son Marcus and daughter Zoe, and two cats; Rusty and Phoebe.  She is an avid reader, foodie, and enjoys travel, live music, theatre, dance, yoga, running, and is an enthusiastic movie goer.

Click here to hear a recorded prayer by Liza on Health and Wellness

Click here to hear a recorded prayer by Liza Embodying Vision and Possibility of True Love and Loving Partnerships

Want to contact Liza?  We’d love to hear from you!