The yearning for peace is one of the oldest desires of humankind. Current world conditions have renewed the call for peace in our time. But the desire for peace doesn’t seem to translate into the experience of peace. As Ernest Holmes put it:

I presume that everyone would rather have peace than anything else on earth. If everyone really is desiring peace, and if the desire were an effective prayer for peace, then we would have had peace a long time ago.

The most powerful army imaginable cannot guarantee peace.

The most unified United Nations you could imagine cannot guarantee peace.

World peace is a massive, lofty goal. To be honest, it seems unlikely in our current situation. But maybe the problem is that we’ve been thinking about it in the wrong way. Instead of world peace, what if we decided to try to achieve inner peace? And if we could somehow do that, try to achieve family peace, and then try to achieve neighborhood peace.

The search for peace is a bit like the search for God – it’s only hard to find because we look for it everywhere but within.

Peace is found, not so much by searching for peace, but as a byproduct of being immersed in the Kingdom of God.

Trying to achieve world peace without first achieving personal peace is an impossible task. You can’t give someone else that which you don’t have.

We cannot be in peace until we know that Spirit is the only cause, medium, and effect in our lives . . . The mind must come to realize Truth before it can have any real and lasting peace.

Like everything else in Life, it’s up to me. It’s up to you. As we sing on Sunday mornings, Let there be peace on earth . . . and let it begin with me!