Our ability to keep our emotions “in check” is one of the most powerful skills we can develop. Researchers at Indiana University found a direct connection between emotional stability and success. Those who were more in control of their emotions could manage stress better, leading to less stress overall.

Fortunately, this is a skill that you can develop. For example, studies have shown that being exposed to common work stresses during young adulthood can have profound effects on your ability to navigate stressful work situations later in life. I like to think of this as building “spiritual fitness.” Dealing with life’s difficulties instead of trying to run away from them builds “spiritual muscle” so that we can more easily deal with future problems.

It’s very much like physical exercise – you can lift a feather boa over your head thirty times a day, every day, but it won’t do you much good compared to lifting ten pounds, and then fifteen, and then twenty, and so on. Dealing with life’s problems is the best way to cope with life’s problems.

Spiritual fitness is the best stress reliever out there, and less stress leads to better overall well-being. So, if you want to be healthy, wealthy, and wise tomorrow, you may want to focus on your resilience today.